

"To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly,cheerful, reverent- that is to triumph over old age."
Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Today, Brad, Ed, Erin, Chris, Scotty and I will be dedicating the day to the new home-building project. Annie will watch and ponder our focus and wonder why we're not on the beach or walking in the woods -- so much more fun -- with our usual play-with-the-dog enthusiasm. Her days at the construction site are not quite up to the quality she has come to expect. On the other hand, she's with her people and their friends which is worth many pats on the head and there is no end of activity to watch. Yet watching is so puzzling. Machines of all sizes! Hammering, digging, cutting! Noise! Yikees! Although there are great times of fun at Grace Lane, especially ripping through the ditches and piles of dirt, it's mostly just staying out of the way that's important.

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