
Extending our Stream

Our little stream extension was under construction last week. Just in time for our early Thanksgiving celebration with friends. As always, we had the last minute project scramble getting put in place just minutes before our guests arrived.

Last week:
This week:

The snow is falling and the temperature is in the mid 20's. It's beautiful out, but cold. Fortunately, Brad of dbBrad finished up one leg of our heating system last week.

Sunday - A Day of Work!

With a borrowed "half hour" from Mr. Ed (time was actually more like 2 or 3 hours), and a full half+ day of Brad's time, Sunday turned into an amazingly productive day of many small, and not so small, garden projects. Our first task was planting a huge old tree Brad drug home a few weeks ago for a pond snag. With many grunts of effort and Fran fearing both her favorite men would have broken backs, the snag was planted by the pond.


Now we just wait for the Pileated Woodpeckers to visit.

Pileated Woodpecker

Then an old stone step that wasn't working very well because of spacing and a riser that was too low, was ripped out and a new step was put into place.

Stone Step

Another project we've been working on for a little bit is extending our stream. If two ponds and a stream are good, isn't more stream better? Well, apparently that's what we think, because that's what we're doing. To give Hermione (a beautiful gift from Diane Kendy) a location of greater status, she's been moved in preparation for her new home along the new stream. Then plumbing and digging are being done before putting in the stream's liner. And, of course, the gathering of the rocks needed to create the natural look of a NW stream.

Hermoine & New Stream-in-the-works

Two other projects were worked on too. A retaining wall under the guesthouse and a stone patio, also under the guesthouse, overlooking the pond. Photographs of those two projects will follow. Presently the heating system installation project is being staged in that area so photographs of both would be full of PVC parts and tool boxes and all the stuff needed for plumbing.