
Do you have a view?

When we first purchased our property in Langley one of the first questions asked was, "do you have a view?" I would always say "no", knowing that the question related to a view of Saratoga Passage and the Cascade Mountains. Our previous home, high bluff waterfront on Saratoga Road, had a drop dead view of both water and mountains.

Our new lot, with wonderful southern exposure and lovely trees, but no view left me to answer the questions with a "no". But, more recently, as our garden develops and our water catchment system (pond, stream, wetland) develops, creating more beauty and habitat, I'm conflicted when I answer either yes or no. No is correct for the questioner's "hidden" question of, "do we have the BIG view?" . Yet, Yes is correct for how I actually see our garden each day and my enjoyment of our view.

Even in it's early stages, the roof water in our garden is turning into a more and more lovely "view". Fish swim, birds bathe, flowing water serenades, all as the plantings develop more fully.

When we were thinking about selling our Saratoga home, beautiful garden and stupendous view, I knew I would build a pond for a new "water view". It was clear to me, after we built a small pond at our entry at Saratoga, and I spent more time viewing that small pond, than the big pond (Saratoga Passage) that we could create a view on a city lot. A view that wouldn't have the same concerns about a crumbling bluff or higher and higher taxes. One that was of our making but one of beauty nevertheless. And we did! Plus we are managing all our roof water with beauty, habitat and aquifer recharge. As it matures the beauty will multiply. A pond was always in the works, Brad was the master of the bigger vision.



We haven't been project busy with our home for several months now. We're just enjoying living in our new home. Although we still have projects and cleanup to do, it's been nice to have a break from the daily grind of building. Instead we're simply reveling in the pleasure of our new spaces. And the pleasure is great. This home-built-by-Brad is remarkable in it's suitability to our lives. We don't intend to build another home but if we did, our designer builder would be hired again. We love how his mind works!